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Hereby the applicable protocol during the competition:

Competition protocol

In addition, there are currently additional measures:

Senior competition:

The competition of both the NTTB and the Baronie continues. The matches are therefore just played,

but the bar remains closed. Advice to bring yourself a drink (for during the match).

Visitors / spectators are not welcome. After the game, both teams go home immediately.

It is not allowed to watch the game of another team. There will be 1 person per evening

are present, who will supervise this. We can imagine that this is not competitive play for you

more fun. However, we do not want to make a choice for anyone whether or not to continue. The decision about this

must be made separately within each team.

Seniors 50+ on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons:

As agreed, attendance lists are kept here. The bar remains closed.

Seniors Thursday evening:

Reservation is required. When you have finished playing you must leave the building. The bar remains closed and it is

not allowed to remain as a spectator. Do not arrive until a maximum of 10 minutes before the time you have booked

and make sure you are gone no later than 10 minutes after your playtime.

Senior training Monday:

Given the interest in the Monday training, we have decided to go back to 2 training groups:

From 7 pm to 8.15 pm: players NTTB 4th class or lower, Barony players and beginners.

From 8.15 pm to 9.30 pm: players NTTB 3rd class or higher and advanced players.

Reservation for this remains mandatory. Lately there have been more and more members who do book, but then afterwards

do not come. We urge you to only book when you come, and if you are unable to attend at the last minute

cancel the reservation. This gives others the opportunity to take the open place and can us and the GGD

help with the source and contact investigation when there is nevertheless a corona infection.

Youth competition and youth training:

The competition continues. The bar remains closed. Spectators are not allowed. In away matches the

driver regarded as someone of the escort. During youth training the request to the parents to go outside on the

waiting for children.

We wish all teams and opponents a sporty competition!

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