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Table tennis club Belcrum has an environment where healthy eating is easy,
because this contributes to the healthy lifestyle of our members.

We think it is important that the supply and appearance in the canteen is healthy.
That is why we work according to the
  Guidelines for Healthier Canteens , which have been drawn up
by the Nutrition Center. We are making the healthy choice, the easy choice.

Our canteen is based on the following:

The canteen offers at least one better choice in each product group
Within the different product groups offered (such as drinks, bread, dairy, etc.)
the canteen offers at least one better choice. This applies to the displayed offer.

Better choices have been defined by the Netherlands Nutrition Center.

There are better choices in the prominent places
In the candy display case, better choices lie next to the other products.
Every weekend that the youth plays at home, free fruit and vegetables are available at the bar
sponsored by Jumbo Belcrum. The offer varies here. Further offer
drinks and food are not presented visually. Be through chalkboard
stimulated healthier products.

Our canteen encourages drinking water
Water is always available in our canteen.
We offer a water tap through a water jug.

Table tennis association Belcrum is structurally working on a healthy canteen
Every year we map out the supply in the canteen with the Canteen Scan and
we report the outcome to the board.

Our ambition
Table tennis club Belcrum strives for a healthier canteen where it
looking for healthier product choices in the coming year
that can be offered in order to expand the range. Also
they keep what is already going well.

Every 3 months we strive to include this as an agenda item
during board meetings. Every year we bring the offer to the canteen
mapped by means of the Canteen Scan of the Nutrition Center.

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